A Nigerian has revealed how she lost her job for the first time ever in Canada.
She narrated her story in a TikTok video.
According to her, her teammates had reported to the management that they were not comfortable working with her anymore barely two months after she joined.
Expressing her shock, she said she had never lost a job and she had cried before finding strength in her family back in Nigeria. She said her parents, who already pay her school fees, had consoled her and gave her the strength to carry on.
Commenters encouraged her to be strong and offered advice on how to navigate the Canadian work environment. However, others blamed her for her predicament, saying racism in Canada is rare.
VV_348_ultrasensitive said, “I totally understand how she feels. Most Nigerians are not used to the Canadian culture. I remember my MD calling me 3 years ago to fire another Nigerian as his team mates complained about harrassment.
“This dude assumed he was being friendly but that’s not how some of these girl’s viewed it. I personally had to ask some of them personal questions and he was just vibing with them. The Sad part is the guy worked without supervision and I never had any issues with him until they complained about him texting them like saying how are you enjoying the long holiday?
“So many things a Nigerian will see as love or kindness. I wouldn’t want my establishment to go through any lawsuit let alone 8 women. I had to let him understand he is not in Nigeria and he was very sorry! I referred him to another company where he was hired and I also gave him the opportunity to resign so it doesn’t show up that he was fired. Imagine I was not there to tell him what’s going on? he’ll live with the guilt that he wasn’t good at his job.”
I_am_lisbet: “One thing Africans, especially Nigerians should understand is your colleagues aren’t your friends, no matter how friendly they seem just say hello and move on. Don’t go about connecting with them on different social media or even let them into your personal space. Just do your work and go home. If you must connect with them do it after you have resigned from your position and transitioning into a new job.”
Oh.yin.yhe: “Etiquette and speaking should be taught in Nigerian schools. We face academics too much and forget other salient concerns like speaking and ethics. Smacking lips when talking can be seen as not so ok in a work environment. We have a lot to learn.”
Jannerchy: “This is exactly why I stay on my own, I interact when needed. I say hello, how are you with smiles and that is it. I focus on my work. Any other thing I don’t need, we can have conversations if you bring one up and I make sue to smile all through. Canadian culture shocks me. They are quick to smile even when they don’t like you. A Nigerian doesn’t just smile like a fowl but they pick offense. Even your loud voice is a problem. I reduced my voice to the extent they are not saying my voice is too calm😂 their wahala too much abeg.”
Tosinxdola: “A lot of Nigerians talk too much at work. Bad phone habits, poor interpersonal skills… I wouldn’t be hasty to attribute this to racism, bacuse it’s very trace in most parts of Canada. 90% of the people have an immigration history.”
@onomeeee You don’t know what people are going through in reality, so be kind all the time. You don’t know who you might be cheering up in your own little way, Anyways…Storytime???🫠🥲 #f#foryoupaget#trendingvideor#relocationr#relocaten#nigeriantiktokc#canada_life#c#canadatiktokv#visac#canadaf#fypr#relocatingabroadd#dreamscometruer#relocateabroadm#movingfromnigeriatocanadal#leavingnigerial#leavingnigeriaforgoodm#movingabroadalone2#2024d#dandelionsm#movingabroadp#prayingtoGodn#nigeriatocanadao#ontarioc#canadadreamc#canadalife #c#canadat#torontot#travelinginyour20st#traveltokt#traveltiktokn#nigerianincanadac#canadai#internationalstudentc#canadatiktokr#relocatingabroadd#dreamscometruer#relocateabroadm#movingfromnigeriatocanadai#internationalstudentc#canadatiktokm#movingabroadm#movingabroadalonet#toronton#nigerianincanadac#canadat#traveltiktokt#traveltokt#travelinginyour20sl#leavingnigerial#leavingnigeriaforgoodt#torontotiktokc#canada_lifej#japajapaj#japao#ontarioc#canadastudyvisav#visaapprovedt#thankgodforeverythingf#foryoupaget#trendingf#fyppr#relatabley#ypcanada6#6monthsincanadac#canada_lifel#lifeupdatel#lifeincanadan#nigerianindiasporai#internationalstudentm#movingtocanadar#relocationa#africantiktokn#nigeriantiktokc#canadac#canadatiktok🇨🇦 #sixmonths#6months ♬ Sad Scene BGM Piano Instrument(313618) – HomeMadeGarbage